Much thought and mindful design was needed with this
small space packed with tons of entertaining. This design introduced a
slight contemporary theme. Bold colors and strong shapes were essential
to transforming this back yard into an artistic entertaining space. The
30 degree pattern of the stone patio and walkway broke away from the rectangular
back yard, while the circular paver patio reflected the shape of the pergola
above. Raised flower gardens frame the main focal feature while a vertical
stone wall serves as a contrasting backdrop. Because of the small size
of this project, this design concept developed slightly different than
others by pushing the custom features to the outer edges of the design,
while preserving as much of the space as possible for functionality. The
result ended up combining several features into one, creating a columnar
style bubbler fountain made from cored natural stone beams which trickle
down into a basin of fire!
Features: Fire, Water, Patio, Pergola, Planters, Lighting, Masonry,
Flagstone, Pavers
Location: Denver
Designer: Stephen Himschoot